From his humble background and with a strong emphasis on hard work, Bob knew the best way to make money was to look for problems and then create solutions. Henry Ford is famous for saying, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, that’s why so few engage in it”. But for Bob, thinking, at least thinking about ways to create products that make people’s live easier while saving them time and money, came easy. Thinking wasn’t work to Bob, it was energizing. It’s as though he was born to be an entrepreneur!

Always Searching For The Idea

There are two types of entrepreneurial thinking,

1. Creating brand new products from original ideas – a natural talent for Bob.

2. Re-engineering something that already exists and making it better – a challenge Bob embraced with unrestrained enthusiasm.

Bob excelled at both types of entrepreneurialism. And like high performance car, Bob’s creative genius had only two speeds, fast and faster!

“A natural born salesman to his inner core, Bob could sell anything to anybody. His sense of timing and wording and opportunity knocking is a force to be reckoned with. Add to all that, his work ethic that took him beyond his peers and set the pace for everyone working for him was without compromise.”

Barry Meguiar, Meguiars
“Bob’s early experience as a successful boardwalk barker gave him keen insight into human nature. He later parlayed this into savvy marketing and product positioning to turn the relatively simple task of washing and waxing a car into the science of detailing. This led to the creation of Autogeek, and the world is a shinier place for it!”
Dennis Gage, My Classic Car

“Bob and I share similar beginnings in life growing up on the Jersey shore with nothing but big dreams and a drive to succeed, so needless to say we have a lot in common. It has been great getting to know Bob and his story over the years, and I know everyone that reads “What A Ride” will benefit greatly.”

Ray Evernham, Ray Evernham Enterprises LLC
“It’s hard to imagine the success I’ve achieved without Bob’s influence. He has the rare ability to share his experience and, at the same time, articulate ideas so you can reach and exceed your own goals. Time is more valuable than money, and he freely and generously gave of his time to mentor and teach me. Now he’s giving it to you… so get ready for the ride of your life in What a Ride.”
Chris West, Solution Finish

BUSINESSES & BRANDS – Past and Present